Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Howdy, Stranger

Now, I like to think myself an outgoing guy. Sure, whenever I'm the new kid I tend to sit away from everyone else and try to not talk or breathe too loudly, but when I'm thrust into a situation that requires social activity, I've got no problem giving it a shot and trying to make friends.
That is, in real-life social situations.
The phenomenon known as "Facebook" is an excellent way to "socialize" with friends and blablabla. Sadly, it is also a fantastic way for complete strangers to try and become your friend. I've gotten many friend requests from people I have literally never seen in my life. I even once got a friend request from some guy in Idaho. Idaho. You know how far away that is from where I live? It's very far away.
Not too long ago (I'm 99% sure it was yesterday, but I thought this morning was Friday, so I can never really be too sure) a female I have never before met in my life sent me a friend request. After going to her page and seeing that my girlfriend is one of her mutual friends, I begin to question my loyal, obedient woman (I'm really hoping she doesn't read my blog) about the stranger. She informs me that this female is the girlfriend of her ex-boyfriend.
Change the CHANNEL for I am in a SOAP OPERA. Any second now my long-lost, evil twin brother named Eidde is gonna run in and scoop up my girl in his arms.
I decided in a bout of endangered self-confidence that I would have to politely decline the young lady's offer. "Ha!" I said to myself. "That should be the last of her." Being the pushover I am who has already accepted quite I few people I may have met once, this was a victory to my eyes.
Naturally, being the failure at existence that I am, my victory was short-lived. Not too much longer later, there was a comment on Carly's (that is to say, my girlfriend's) wall, something along the lines of: "Oh,what's the matter, afraid I'll steal him away from you, too? -WINK FACE- "
All thought-processing temporarily ceased except for an electrical signal for the utterance of two words:
"Oh. Snap."
I would have warned Carly to delete it and forget the whole mess before things get out of hand, but alas, the battle had already begun. Now, I'm not sure how many of you have seen two females arguing over a wall on Facebook before, but I assure you, it is not a sight you'd want to put on your bucket list.
Being the brave fool I was, I made an attempt to dive into the fray. No sooner had I posted "Your dress makes you look fat" than I realized something: all of this could have been avoided if I had simply added the woman. Or maybe I could have just made that one of the many requests that I just never click "accept" OR "ignore" and leave it there for all time, dealing with that little rash of a friend request icon at the top right of my homepage.
I think the best way to solve any future problems would be this: don't add strangers. If you have talked to this person once in real life, maybe at lunch or a social event, and took an interest in them, fair enough.
If you are browsing your friend's statuses and see someone interesting on their page, DO NOT add them. If you see a picture of a stranger and think "Hey,they look like an interesting person",DO NOT add them.
In fact, we should all stop adding friends completely. Maybe we should stop using Facebook altogether. We should all get out of our houses and go meet up with people and ride our bikes or go to the park. We should all just stop using these potentially-dangerous social websites that we use to speak to people we don't know and try to socialize with people in real life and-
BAHAHAHAHA I kill myself.

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